Farm Happenings at River Run Farm
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Week 6 -- Full Season Farmshare -- River Run Farm

Posted on August 9th, 2024 by Anna Bunk

Hello Farmily!

We've had another amazing week at the farm, and expanding harvest diversity included green beans, cabbage and beets! 

We love seeing the veggies roll in and Raul has really stepped up this season to help make it all happen. He's our featured Essential Crew Member this week.

He's on the left side of the featured photo this week.

Just a bit of background before we dive into this answers: he's back at River Run on his third season with us on the H2-A visa program! And this year he's worked his way into the position of "jefe" as Farm Manager this year. He's full of energy and often serenades all of us with his melodic voice and joyful smile.

I will provide my (hopefully mostly accurate) Spanish to English translations after each response!

1. Name: "Jose Raul Morales Vazquez"

2. Where are you from? How did that place shape you?:  "Soy de México estado coahuila siudad francisco i madero."  (I am from the Mexican state of Coahuila, cities of Franciso and Madero).

3. What was your first impression of Sequim? "Me gusta sequim es hermoso su jente tan amable fue mi primer impreciso".  (I like Sequim. It is beautiful and your people are so kind, that was my first impression).

4. What drew you to farming? "La agricultura la conocí alos 12 años trabajando tomate y es hermoso trabajar en el campo bajo el sol. Bajo la lluvia y lo mejor los días nublados". (I have known farming since I was 12 years old, working with tomatoes and it is beautiful to work in the fields, under the sun. Under the rain and it is the best on the days with clouds).

5. Favorite vegetable crop at River Run? "Mi cultivo favorito son las coles de bruselas pero también me gusta toda la bariedad de lechuga". (My favorite crop is brussel sprouts, but I also love the variety of lettuces).

6. Do you have a super power? What is it? "Mi super poder es aser reír ala jente sácales una sonrisa todos los días todo el día y aserles sentir que tienen un herrmano como su encargado de la finca".  (My superpower is to make people laugh, to elicit a smile from everyone every day and make them feel they have a brother as their farm manager). 

7. Please share a life lesson learned. "Mi lección de vida es ayudar siempre porque alludando podemos cambiar vidas".  (My life lesson is to always help because helping can change lives). 

I want to add he dropped a yellow heart emoji on that last one too. Boom!

Ok that's Raul! Have at it members, feel free to customize!


Nicholas and the River Run Farm Family