Farm Happenings at River Run Farm
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Week 7 -- Full Season Farmshare -- River Run Farm

Posted on August 16th, 2024 by Anna Bunk

Hellooo Farmshare!

This is Week 7 and we're feelin' fine! Foggy mornings have reached us, as they often do in August, with the "marine layer" of the Strait of Juan de Fuca dipping in and out a few miles inland (the farm is a couple miles from shore only), depending on temperature and presumably other phenomena. 

This week, I've got another Essential Crew Member featured: Josephine! She's new on the crew this year, having come from Austin, TX this spring. Primarily, she's been propagating seed and managing the environments in the greenhouses for all of our transplants-- we do so much transplanting from seed trays that we start ourselves out into the fields!

And, importantly she's brought so much joy and positive energy to the team this season! The photo is her on the harvest cart, as she's been doing alot of that work too here recently as well.

Here're her responses!


1. Name: "Josephine".

2. Where are you from? How did that place shape you?: "I'm from where we're all from ofc, knowing that has shaped me into a bright light. I shine everywhere I go."

3. What was your first impression of Sequim? "I thought it was a ghost town....  I arrived at 1 am."

4. What drew you to farming? "Working with the mother at a garden center has called me to go deeper and learn in more depth about our medicine-- our food, seeing it come from the source has been satisfying every time".

5. Favorite vegetable crop at River Run? "Kohlrabi and the golden plums from the tree".

6. Favorite number and why? "8 and 144. 8 because it is the number of abundance. 144 because it is another perfect number".

7. Do you have a super power? What is it? "?".

8. Please share a life lesson learned. "Go for it, say yes to everything. Yes man!".


And that's it! Customize now, farm family!


Nicholas and River Run Farm