Farm Happenings at River Run Farm
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Week 9 -- Full Season Farmshare -- River Run Farm

Posted on August 30th, 2024 by Anna Bunk

Hello Farmshare!

It's Week 9 and already THE LAST WEEK OF AUGUST!

Wow, kids, how did that happen? Back to school!

Amazing to be entering September already and yet have you seen the forecast for this weekend?! Delicious sun, all around!  This is also great for us to gather some more photosynthesis and heat units for our crops.

This week was Noel's final week with us on the farm and we are so happy to have been working and hanging out with her this season.  We had cookies on the river to celebrate during lunch yesterday!

Let's do it! 

1. Name: "Noel".

2. Where are you from? How did that place shape you?: "I'm from here. I've been here. I ain't going nowhere."

3. What was your first impression of Sequim? "Beautiful."

4. What drew you to farming? "I thought it would be rewarding and that I would learn alot, both of which have been true".

5. Favorite vegetable crop at River Run? "Chard".

6. Favorite number and why? "12 because it was the number on my soccer jersey".

7. Do you have a super power? What is it? "Asking questions is my super power".

8. Please share a life lesson learned. "Life's hard but it's good. So enjoy it".


Thanks Noel! We will miss you!! Come hang soon!


Nicholas and the River Run Crew