Farm Happenings at River Run Farm
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Week 10- Full Season--- River Run Farmshare 2024

Posted on September 6th, 2024 by Anna Bunk

Hi Farmshare Members!

School has begun (for many of our kids) but one last week of Summer is in the air! We are enjoying it here in Sequim, so much!

We hope you're enjoying the New Potatoes from the shares last week and all of our other produce.

This week I've got an interview with another amazing crew member, new to us this year: Yalena!  Shes on the right in the photo, in the white sweatshirt!

Here she is, in her own words followed by my translations:

1.⁠ ⁠Nombre/Name:  "Yalena Ramírez".

2.⁠ ⁠¿De dónde eres?  / Where are you from? "Soy de Baja California". 
"I am from Baja California".

3.⁠ ⁠¿Cuál fue tu primera impresión de Sequim? / What was your first impression of Sequim? "Me gusto el paisaje la vegetación todo muy bonito".  / "I liked the landscape, the vegetation, everything was very beautiful".

4.⁠ ⁠¿Qué te atrajo de la agricultura? / What attracted you to agricultural work?  "El conocer de frutas y verduras trabajar al aire libre y conocer personas diferentes cada día".  / "To get to know the fruits and vegetables, to work out in the open air and get to know different people every day".

5.⁠ ⁠¿Cultivo de hortalizas favorito en River Run? / Favorite crop at River Run Farm? "Green kale".

6.⁠ ⁠¿Número favorito? ¿Y por qué? / Favorite Number and why? " Uno. Por qué me gusta llevar la delantera en todo."  "The number One. Because I like to be ahead in everything".

7.⁠ ⁠¿Tienes un superpoder? ¿Qué es? / Do you have a super power? What is it? "El dominio propio". / "Self-control".
8.⁠ ⁠Comparta una lección de vida aprendida. / Share a life lesson you've learned. "De cada fracaso ay una lección nueva por aprender". / "From every failure there is a new lesson to learn".

Thanks Yalena!! :)

Now feel free to customize veggies everyone!


Nicholas and the River Run Crew