A farmer once told me that a farm is a ship that turns very slowly and whatever changes you need to make have to be initiated months or even years ahead of time. Therefore, even though it is not even the fourth quarter of this year we are already beginning to do our farm planning for 2021. Some of the improvements we are considering making include raising several cows on the farm to provide our own beef for Farmship, doing more broiler chickens with an improved pastured shelter system, producing and cutting our own mulch and making more compost, and planting more perennials like asparagus, blackberries, and rhubarb! We don't claim to be capable of doing everything, but if there is a particular product you like or a new one you want to see, or even an idea for improvement in the delivery or packaging system please let us know and we will factor it in to our planning!

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Farm planning for 2021!
Posted on September 28th, 2020 by Noah Sanders
About the farm

Rora Valley Farms is located in beautiful rural Coosa County, Alabama and is owned and operated by the Sanders Family and was established in 2009. Currently my wife Dorothy and I (Noah) oversee the vegetable and bakery operations while my cousin Luke Sanders and his wife Kristin oversee the meat and egg production. Our kids help out as well! Here at Rora Valley Farms we strive to produce real food. Many industrial foods today put on a good show, but fail to provide our bodies with the nutrients we need to function properly. When God designed our bodies, He also designed amazing foods to fuel them. But most industrial foods have strayed from that original design, and we have reaped the consequences. Through building healthy, living soil and utilizing natural systems of production and management we strive to harvest food that feeds our bodies, as well as our taste buds.
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