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Farm Happenings at Springdale Farm
Spring greetings!
Planting at full-clip here at the farm!
Greetings to you all!
This is our first e-mail to go out to our 2022 members!
As you can see from the picture above (with more to come!), we have been spending the month of May with the planting of your crops, both in the greenhouses, and now in the fie1 read more »
Farm Happenings for December 8, 2021
Bernadette harvesting lettuce inside a greenhouse
This week's offerings: Cut-off time for possible swaps/additions for both the Wednesday and the Friday deliveries is at 3 pm on Monday, Dec. 6th. We have a wide variety of items for you for this "Storage Share", some of which should1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 17 and November 19, 2021
Last week we planted garlic using our transplanter (which usually gets used for young plants!)
This week's veggies: The cranberries we are getting from James Lake Farms, and are certified organic. If you would like more than just the pint we are utilizing as the basic unit, you can order more1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 10, 2021
Worker shares Leslie and David Trout helping with the Brussels sprouts harvest! (The stalks are too big to fit into the totes, so that is why you are receiving your 'stalk' in two pieces!)
This (last of the regular season) week's offerings: Nothing new with this last delivery.&nbs1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 10, 2021
Worker shares Leslie and David Trout helping with the Brussels sprouts harvest! (The stalks are too big to fit into the totes, so that is why you are receiving your 'stalk' in two pieces!)
This (last of the regular season) week's offerings: Nothing new with this last delivery.&nbs1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 5, 2021
Scallions and kale still to be harvested; some of the last crops still in the field~
This week's offerings: New this week are daikon radishes, purple cauliflower, and some red fingerlings. Scallions aren't new, but we haven't seen any since early summer. Some 3/4 pt. jars of mapl1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 3, 2021
Scallions and kale still to be harvested; some of the last crops still in the field~
This week's offerings: New this week are daikon radishes, shallots, and some red fingerlings. Scallions aren't new, but we haven't seen any since early summer. Brussels sprouts will be coming on1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 29, 2021
Our potato harvester going full throttle before a recently predicted rain
This week's offerings: Lots of peppers coming, but tomatoes are basically done. Spinach and salad mix are looking slim for the future as well. With a couple of good frosts under our belt, kale should be a bit swee1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 27, 2021
Our potato harvester going full throttle before tonight's predicted rain
This week's offerings: Lots of peppers coming, but tomatoes are basically done. Spinach and salad mix are looking slim for the future as well. With a good frost under our belt (last night), kale should be a bit swe1 read more »