We're excited to bring you Shishito Peppers and Snacking Cucumbers this week. These 'Snacking Cukes' are technically pickling cukes, but are great for both-- use them however you wish. Picklers in bulk quantities will be available later this season, or you can always email and request a bulk bag!
We've even got some optional Frisee available, if you're feeling adventurous or need some cleansing, bitter greens in your diet. Bitter greens are super good for you, and generally eaten with something rich. Here's a delectable bacon vinaigrette salad to inspire you.
On the list this week:
Greens: Frisee, Salad Mixes, Romaine Lettuce
Roots: Carrots
Fruits + Legumes : Green Beans, Cherry Tomatoes, Slicing Tomatoes, Snacking/Pickling Cukes, Summer Squash
Happy eating!
Ashley, Caleb and the Sungrounded Crew