Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Farm Stand is Back for the Summer!

Posted on June 29th, 2024 by Ashley Thompson

After a hiatus that went on longer than we'd hoped, we're back with on demand farm shares for you for the summer.  It's been a slow spring full of cool weather causing our crops to grow very slowly, and lots of pest pressure.  All of this resulted in a region wide shortage in fresh veggies, but with warmer weather we're back and happy to bring food to your tables once more.

This week we've got a fantastic variety including our very special, early tomatoes, walla walla onions, broccolini, snap peas, the first of summer cucumbers and more!

To get your recipe dreaming started, it's a great time to enjoy a Strawberry Spinach Salad if you pop over to a Farmstand and get some sweet fresh strawberries.  Spinach will only be around for a few more weeks and then it'll be too hot.

We also have Gold and Chioggia (with bullseye centers) Beets, so I've also got to send you my favorite way to eat them-- roasted with a fresh salad, with goat cheese.  Here's a great recipe from Love and Lemons.  

 Happy eating, and happy fourth!

Ashley, Caleb and the Sungrounded Crew