Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Tomatoes and Basil Week

Posted on July 27th, 2024 by Ashley Thompson

After a slow start, our Basil is finally producing generously with the warm weather, and so we have both Basil and Tomatoes for you this week, a match made in heaven.  The possibilities are endless with these two, but you can never go wrong with a Caprese Salad in my opinion.  What a refreshing celebration of summer.  It's one of my favorite easy weekday lunches, actually.  I like to keep it simple for ease, as I think these ingredients are so beautiful, I don't want to cover them up.  Here's a great easy recipe with some fun optional additions to get you started.

In addition, we have another romance that is lesser known this week: zucchini and sage.  One of our favorite restaurants, BOSA (who uses our produce) makes a seasonal menu item that I've been obsessed with ever since I tried it: Brown Butter Sage Zucchini.  I make this all the time now, I roast or grill the zucchini and brown butter on the stove over medium, adding whole sage leaves it starts bubbling.  When ready to serve, I toss the zucchini in this butter and it is truly to die for.  Here's a recipe to help you out with the sauce.

I'm also excited to bring you the first beautiful new potatoes from our field this week, and the first cured garlic of the season.  Garlic is such a well planned investment for us because we plant it in the fall and it grows slowly all winter until we can harvest it in July.  After harvest we have to let it dry out for a few weeks before we can clean it so that it stores well.  This year we brought in a beautiful but unfortunately small crop because in the spring we noticed large gaps as our garlic began to grow in earnest.  It seems some gophers did a lot of destruction while it was hunkering underground and we lost large swaths of plants.  We also save some of our garlic crop to plant for next year, which means there's less that we can sell if we want to keep growing the same amount (which we do!).

Because of all of this, you may not see garlic in boxes as often this summer, since we will be saving a lot of it for fall shares.  Luckily in the meantime, our onion crop is looking fabulous this season so we'll have lots of other allium-flavor to share with you.  This week, we also have gorgeous fresh yellow onions and scallions available for you.

We hope you enjoy! 

Your Farmers,

Ashley, Caleb and the Sungrounded Crew