Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Green Beans, Shishitos and Tomatoes

Posted on August 17th, 2024 by Ashley Thompson

This week we've got green beans headed to you in shares.  These are our French Green Beans, also known as regular green beans!  These are the long and slender ones that are great for eating in salads, or any way you like to prepare them.  One of my favorite ways to eat them is in a classic Nicoise Salad.  It's fresh and hearty at the same time and great for this time of year.  They also make a great easy side to any entree you may prepare, simply blanched or sautéed with a little butter and salt.  The beauty of fresh food is you don't have to do anything fancy, it's good just as it is!

It's also peak tomato season and we're thrilled to send you both slicers and cherries.  We planted extra tomatoes this year and are happy to have more this year so you can get your fill in before it ends.  We've also got some bulk seconds flats available to add in case you want to really dive in and make some sauce (try this easy roasted sauce) or salsa.  The 'seconds' are tomatoes that have slight damage-- we're having a lot of hard shoulder issues (a plant nutrient problem) that makes the top part of the tomato not ripen correctly, and so it has to be cut off.  We also have some cracking happening due to the plants taking up too much water at once.  We sell these in flats for a good deal in order to find them a home, they're available for $25 per 10# flat.

In addition to tomatoes, we're also still swimming in cucumbers.  The plants are going to slow production soon, so we've got them on the list again so you can enjoy them while they're abundant!  Shishitos are also making a reappearance, so don't miss out on those if they're one of your favorites!

Happy eating,

Ashley, Caleb and the Sungrounded Crew