Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Late Summer Bounty Continues

Posted on October 21st, 2024 by Ashley Thompson

We are so happy to still have some late summer crops trickling into CSA shares.

**Just a quick note**, If you haven't gotten your Fill Your Pantry preorder in and want to, I'd recommend you do so now!  Preorders opened yesterday (I was mistaken last week, sorry if I confused you!) and the market had record first day online sales!  If you were hoping to preorder something that is now sold out, or if you don't see what you want, don't worry.  We and all the other farms only list part of what we'll have available for preorder, so you'll find plenty more quantity and variety for day-of shopping at the event.

Now, back to this week's shares...

We had a fairly crummy pepper year this year, which is why you haven't seen as many peppers as we normally have in summer boxes this season.  We had trouble getting our plants to establish between a very cold June and then very hot July, which led to a small first fruit set.  However, they did recover by midsummer and put on a decent amount of fruits.  The only problem is that with our short season, for peppers that need to ripen, they don't usually make it in time before the cold comes. 

Luckily we've had a relatively warm fall, and were able to get some of these to (literal) fruition and they're finally ready!  This week we have the last of both sweet (Sweet Italians) and spicy (Cayenne) peppers for you.  

Sweet Italian peppers are our favorites, and are easy to use pretty much any way you'd use a bell pepper.  They're sweeter than bells and have thinner flesh and skin.  One of my favorite things to make with them is Romesco Sauce (and bonus: use a fresh cayenne instead of powder!).  This sauce makes pretty much anything better.  I love to put it on bowls, roasted veggies, and eggs.  

As far as the Cayennes, I love to make a chili garlic sauce this time of year to accompany all my fall stir fries.  It's super easy to make and will preserve the flavor of fresh chilis for months, as it keeps for a long while in the fridge.

We also have some bonus cauliflower for you this week. These ones are nice and dense (since we harvested many of them on the small side to get them in and safe from the frost) which makes them perfect for Cauliflower Steaks, if you're looking for a new way to enjoy them.  

For our regular (but still fab) fall offering this week, we've got absolutely gorgeous Arugula + Spinach for your weekly greens; Shallots + Onions for flavor; + Watermelon Radishes (to make your salads and stir fries beautiful).

Your farmers,

Ashley, Caleb + the Sungrounded Crew