Do you ever feel like your technology is talking to you? Well, I mean, sometimes it literally is talking to you, but I’m thinking more in the figurative sense. Like today, for instance, I’m in my office and all the technology is moving so slowly that I wasn’t sure it had recognized my command. I was suddenly back in Caye Caulker in Belize, where the motto is “Go Slow”.
Just a reminder to look for the green banner at the top of your customization screen after you've swapped! (See previous "getting the most value from your harvest share") Harvie won't let you swap for more than one item, but you can add items after the swap. Unfortunately, the value of items is not printed anywhere so this involves a bit of trial and error. I apologize for this interface problem and have brought this and a few other things to the attention of the Harvie engineers, but in the meantime, look for the green banner! So, for example, you swap peppers (6.75 value) for okra (2.50 value), you have 4.25 in value left to add! You can add more okra or many other things, but at this moment, Harvie will only let you swap peppers for one okra--you have to go back in and add for the rest of the value. I'm hoping this gets fixed by the end of the season but I'm not counting on it.
This week's blog:
So rather than let frustration get the best of me, I just chilled out, made a cup of coffee, slowed myself down to match the pace of the “internet” here. I just started to go slow. And slowly, my Monday pile of bills, receipts, emails, etc. got smaller and smaller and I didn’t have to feel so frantic.
So, I’ve decided that my little corner office (it’s technically a closet, but it is in the corner) has adopted the motto of Caye Caulker and that to rush anything in here is to betray the chi or whatever it is that is betrayed by not living the motto. So yeah, sometimes my technology talks to me. Sometimes it speaks great wisdom to me.