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Farm Happenings at Val's Veggies
Farm Happenings for June 29, 2021
Wow, all I can say is this heat feels like August not the last of June!!!! It is sure having an effect on the garden
and the crew!!! The corn and peppers are loving it tho'. Looks like we will have sweet corn in a couple more
weeks. Got the first blackberries delivered today1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 22, 2021
Happy Fathers Day weekend, hope you all get to enjoy this beautiful weather! Things are starting to really grow now. Seems like it is taking forever
but maybe its because I get anxious. This week we will have more zuchinni and yellow summer squash. Also some early cabbage.&n1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 15, 2021
It is definitely stock show weather this week, just without the rain for us.
The picture is something the grandkids brought in and left in a jar on the table.
A couple of days later it turned into this. Thankfully I saw it before they all escaped the jar!!!
Can you guess what it is?&nbs1 read more »
CSA #2
I hope you are still enjoying the goodies in your first box. I can't thank each of you enough for being part of our farm. I feel humbled and excited to be able
to provide you with fresh veggies and fruits.
The weather this week has been wild. Not common for us to be 991 read more »