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Farm Happenings at Val's Veggies
Farm Happenings for August 3, 2021
And just like that August is here!!! Not sure what happened to July!
We finally found some stuff to slow the grasshoppers down we hope. We
are spraying it on today. We are only doing perimeter spraying so it won't
come in contact with the vegetables, even tho' it is labeled1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 27, 2021
We enjoyed a couple of cooler days and the plants loved it. Wish it would stay a little
longer. We started picking more tomatoes today. Not enough for all the boxes yet but
we'll get there. In the meantime we are getting some from Yakima Valley.
Have a great weekend.
Valerie read more »
Farm Happenings for July 20, 2021
Things are still hot and dry... guess that is the new normal for this summer!! The heirloom tomatoes are having a hard time setting fruit in the heat. The hybrids don't seem
to mind it as bad. So far I've eaten just about everything I picked. I did share a few sungold cherri1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 13, 2021
Just want to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU for supporting local agriculture and our farm.
Without all of you this wouldn't be possible!! We work very hard to bring you nutrient dense and
the freshest possible food to your table every week. This year has been a whole lot of new challenges.
Au1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 6, 2021
Hope you all are staying cool and have big plans to celebrate the 4th of July.
This heat has certainly been one for the books, this is more August weather not
June. The garden and the fruit trees are definitely suffering and we have a really
bad plague of grasshoppers. Hoping for some moisture and1 read more »