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Farm Happenings at Val's Veggies
Farm Happenings for August 29, 2023
Wow!!! The rain this last week was a real blessing for us!! We got 2in and it came slow and soaked in.
We don't get that much moisture all summer usually. It will make fall planting and fall pasture wonderful!!
But... it also slowed down the haying and harvesting!! Oh well,1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 22, 2023
We are loving a nice drizzle of rain this am. Made picking cucumbers a little wet but
the air smells so fresh after the heat and smoke.
The peppers are really starting to produce now. Have Poblanos and banana peppers this week.
The orchard is picking Coral Star peaches and Supreme Red N1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 15, 2023
Loving this time of year!!! So many things are ripening now!! We've got yellow tomatoes this week.
A milder flavor than many of the reds and look real pretty sliced next to the reds.
Lots of eggplant and okra this week also.
If you are looking for larger quantities, the peac1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 8, 2023
Wow!! and just like that we are in the 2nd week of August!! Lots of things ripening now!!
We will have eggplant this week and green bell peppers. Also the donut peaches are ripe.
They are a fun little tasty peach.
The weather is perfect for planting the fall things. Now if we can just g1 read more »