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Farm Happenings at Val's Veggies
Farm Happenings for August 31, 2021
Loving this weather but sure makes me think fall is almost here!!!
The Walla Walla sweet onions are gone for this year and we now have
the candy onions. Same sweet flavor but they will store for longer.
The apples are starting to ripen now. We will have gala and the first
early honeycri1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 24, 2021
Loving this cooler weather this last week and the rain this evening!!
The peppers are really starting to produce now. Another week or so and
we will have lots of poblanos. The assorted hots this week will be a sample of
everything that is ready.
We will have blueberries for1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 17, 2021
Just having a hard time believing it is the middle of August!!!!! Now is when we are to have those "hot August nights"!!!!
We are sure having them this week. I was almost thankful for the smoke today because it didn't make 100 degrees!!
Now is the time to start your canning, freezing, a1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 10, 2021
We are sure enjoying the cooler temps this week. Would have liked a little more moisture but we are happy
we got some.
More and more things are getting ready to harvest. The peppers are starting to size up. Jalapenos and bells this week.
plus a few anaheims and gypsy.
The spring pullets1 read more »