Farm Happenings at Wabi Sabi Farm
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Farm Happenings for October 10, 2018

Posted on October 8th, 2018 by Ben Saunders

It's hard for us to believe but this is the final week of the Regular Season Shares!  The time sure has flown by quickly.  Even though we have actually only delivered shares for 19 weeks, you may remember getting double shares on August 8th to make up for the late start.  If you feel like there may have been an error, please contact with your questions regarding how many shares you received.

Unless you are continuing on with us by getting a Fall Share, please return all your empty share boxes to your drop site.  We are able to reuse these boxes and they are very expensive to replace.  For those of you that are receiving Fall Shares, those will start next week.  Expect an email from us around the end of the week confirming you indeed are signed up for the Fall Share.  

We'd like to extend a very humble thank you to each and every one of you for joining us this season!  This was a very challenging year (weather, dealing with development going on around the Farm, trying out a new software to help manage the Farm, etc.) and all and all I think it turned out very well.  Not exactly the way we planned it last Winter, but we adapted the best we could and I think it was a success!  I'd be happy to hear any feedback on how your experience went.  Be it the sign up process or other interactions with the software or just your general feelings about the season!  We are very honored to have been able to grow food for you this year and are looking forward to reconnecting with you in 2019!  If you can't wait till 2019 we will still be offering produce at the Des Moines Farmers' Market every Saturday till the end of October, their indoor Winter Markets and also to many fine restaurant in the Des Moines Metro area.  We may also be sending out occasional emails over the Winter to you about opportunities for home delivery of the goodies coming out of our High Tunnels!