Farm Happenings at Wild Coyote Farm
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Farm Happenings for July 13, 2022

Posted on July 7th, 2022 by Shelli and Paul Meulemans


Here we are in July watching the fruits our labor coming out of the field, but it’s also a time when we start to fall behind on projects around the farm. I think there is almost no way to make the work flow line up so that the summer doesn’t feel like its absolutely spiraling crazy. Choosing where to spend the hours we have available that are going to best benefit the farm as a whole becomes a challenge. During this time of the season we have to make lists and value the outcome of each project to ensure we are maximizing our available hours. When I say available hours, we need to limit those available hours so that we can still remain rested and have family time during all of it. It’s always tempting to just focus on caring for and harvesting the crops we have planted, but this next week we have a long list of transplants which need to go into the ground. If we don’t get them in, then we will not have a sustained supply into the fall as we would like. Farming is definitely a juggling act this time of year and knowing which balls can drop without ending the show is the challenge!

Snag a pint of our blackberries this week! We don’t have enough for every customer this year since it’s their first summer of production; so they are available as an add-on so everyone has a fair chance to enjoy them.

As always, please and thanks for returning your boxes! And let us know if you ever are missing any items or have any concerns.