It’s hard to believe we are coming into the last week of August, but here we are! What does that mean for you? Not much! But if you were a sheep, there would be a good chance you would notice an increase in parasite pressure. If you were a summer vegetable plant, the high humidity and decreasing day length would drive you to ripening fruit and trying to pump as many seeds as you can. If you were a chicken, you would be trying your very hardest to get those eggs and sit on them in an attempt to make baby chicks, resulting in less eggs for the farmer. And finally, if you were a mustard, Pac choi, or a head of lettuce, you would be happily growing to your maximum potential as the cooler temperatures and shorter days fit you quite nicely, allowing to maximize your photosynthetic potential!
For your photo this week, meet Bella. Bella is one of my favorite ewes, usually right up front looking to be the first into new pasture, but unfortunately she’s not feeling well. Her lips might look super cute in this picture, but she’s not supposed to look like this. This is a response to either a lack of iron or protein shortage caused by parasites. We have treated her and seems to be responding well to treatment. Come on Bella, let’s kick this illness and get back to being spunky ewe!