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Farm Happenings at Willow Haven Farm
New Farm Baby
We are happy to let you know about the newest addition to the farm.
Kaatje DeMaster was born this past Monday. We thank God for a successful delivery. Reuben was able to run the farm remotely for two days and Simeon was very helpful in running the crews while we were gone. The girls and Grandma kep1 read more »
Six Ideas to Use Hot Peppers
The first hot peppers are green jalapeños and Czechoslovakian Black peppers. These are in the same heat range.
Hot peppers come in endless varieties of color, shape and intensity. Hot peppers are harvested in abundance during late summer. The heat varies even between each individual pe1 read more »
How to be happy picking beans
Don't forget Pizza Night this Saturday. Our tables are filling up. Get a few friends together and reserve a table of eight for one of our evening time slots: 5 pm, 6 pm or 7 pm. $15/person.
Click here to RESERVE NOW!
In an attempt to create good morale and get as much1 read more »
Reserve your Table for Pizza Night on the Farm - July 25
Best kept secret! Our long time farm members know that the Brick Oven Pizza at Willow Haven Farm is something special.
Where else do you get the best of the farm fresh veggies, fresh grass fed cheese and organic sourdough crust baked to perfection in a beautiful farm setting, while you wait?
We'll1 read more »
What you should know about this week's veggies
What's new:
We just started picking snap peas but quantities are limited. If you rated peas a 5 in your preferences about 100 people will get them this week. There will be more coming.
ONIONS - the scallions/green onions/spring onions are finished for the season but the bulb onions are starting to1 read more »
Tomatoes, Sweet & Sour Cherries this week, Pizza Night & Flower tour dates.
Tomatoes are available for extra purchase. These are early, certified organic, red tomatoes grown by Leroy Sauder. The tomatoes on our farm won't be ready for a few weeks but we decided to make this special purchase of the first farm grown tomatoes of the season available to our members1 read more »
What's next? new veggies, cherries, pizza and flowers!
I know you'd love to know what we're going to harvest next. You've had a lot of greens and I know you are enjoying them but it's time to start to change with the seasons. Summer Squash/zucchini is being picked this week and will go in many of your boxes. In the next week or two the cucumbers, cabba1 read more »
Teacher Farm Hand
Meet our high school teacher turned farm hand.
Charal contacted Farmer Reuben about a summer job over the winter because she wanted to learn how to farm her own land.
Then when her school in Allentown closed, she was suddenly available to work for us right away this spring. Her first days we1 read more »
What is a Garlic Scape and what should I do with it?
Garlic scapes are a fun vegetable to get to know for new members and a favorite with past members.
Hard neck and soft neck are two types of garlic. The hard neck type grows a stem in late spring while the soft neck type does not.
This stem of the hard neck garlic is often called the GARLIC SC1 read more »