Summer heat is here and we are getting a lot of comments along the lines of "how do you guys work in this" ? But honestly, once you do it for a couple days your body really does get used to it. It certainly helps that our house is air conditioned! But it is really good for our heat loving crops like the melons shown above. And finally we are not hoping for dry weather and the balance of heat and rain seems to be about right at the moment. We're even considering getting our irrigation equipment out!
Notes for this week:
- we have lots of lettuce mix available and most shares have had only 1 bag per week. If you are a salad lover we have introduced our 1 lb share quantity which you can add to your share or swap for.
- in an effort to reduce plastic we will start offering "bag your own" mix at the farm pickup. We'll still have some pre-bagged mix available, but if you bring your own bag, we'll have some bulk bins that you can fill up from.