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Farm Happenings at Common Ground Farm
Farm Happenings for November 28, 2019
New Farm stand! Finally we made time to renovate our stand at the Western Fair market and we're getting good reviews. The wood came from our old "back barn" which will need to be dismantled this winter and spring.
This week we have bought in some sweet potatoes from our neighbours at th1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 21, 2019
A taste of winter greeted us this past week. After a mad scramble to get out of the field what we could, we had to wash and pack our CSA and market produce in our "winter" wash station which involved wrapping our outside wash station in plastic and putting some temporary heat in it. Thi1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 14, 2019
A cold snap is coming to us this week, so we've been rushing to get everything winterized and ready. It seems that every year it comes suddenly and we are scrambling to harvest anything sensitive, but I guess that's always going to be how it goes! We still have some very hardy crops out1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 7, 2019
November is upon us and we are making serious headway through our fall task list. This time of year for us is always a bit of a race to the finish. We have some colder weather coming later this week and still a few tasks that need to get done before it really sets in. We have almo1 read more »