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Farm Happenings at Common Ground Farm
Farm Happenings for April 30, 2021
Things are looking green around here! We're now harvesting hundreds of cucumbers out of our greenhouse. We've even harvested a few eggplant, and some of the cherry tomatoes are bright red! The peppers are still taking their time to grow and ripen into sweet, crunchy fruit. There's always lots of tr1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 23, 2021
We will now be offering weekly delivery for farmstand orders! We want to make sure that everyone is able to get their Common Ground vegetables each week and we believe this is the best way to do that.
Early signs of spring are popping up all around the farm. Chives, green onions, thyme, spring kale1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 16, 2021
Everything seems a whole lot warmer and greener here at the farm! We just transplanted our first field planting of brassicas. It feels great to be planting outdoors again! As always, we're keeping busy with our regular spring weeding and seeding. We're seeding all of our leeks this week, which we'l1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 9, 2021
Early Spring! At least so far that is the way it seems to be going. We have been able to start preparing our fields in the past 2 weeks as the ground is quite dry and that means we can start planting and transplanting outside this week. For us this is exciting and much better than1 read more »