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Farm Happenings at Common Ground Farm
Farm Happenings for May 30, 2019
Tomatoes have started! But this week we don't have a lot, so if you don't see any in your share don't worry: next week there will be enough for all! read more »
Farm Happenings for May 23, 2019
Warm and slightly dry weather seems to have arrived finally this week! We're excited, but also that means we'll be super busy getting overgrown transplants out of the greenhouse and into the fields. We're also working away at our "display garden" right beside the share pickup area on th1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 16, 2019
Our wettest spring yet: We hope you are all staying dry even though we are not! We are still getting crops planted but the fields are so wet and cold the amount we can harvest is very limited. But we're sure some dry sunny weather should be around the corner! read more »