Farm Happenings at Common Ground Farm
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Farm Happenings for April 2, 2020

Posted on March 26th, 2020 by Chris DeVries

Phew!  What a week.  Switching from going to market to pre-selling veggies has been a big sudden shift for us on the farm.  As most of you found, using our CSA box software for simple pre-ordering was not the most ideal solution in week 1 and we apologize for the difficulty!

I have tried to answer all requests and get all problems fixed in time, but if you fell through the cracks and didn't get an order last week, I'm sorry and I will try to help you again this week.  Please email me if you are having trouble:  I will spend some time each evening going through the emails and doing my best to get your orders straightened out.

I am also going to post a better "how-to" on ordering and I will adjust item quantities on Monday once I know how much I can order from Pfennings.  Thank you for your patience!


Common Ground Farm