Farm Happenings at Current Farms
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Happy Memorial Day!

Posted on May 27th, 2024 by Conrad Cable

Happy Memorial Day everyone! Kaden and I have learned that vegetables don't take holidays, so this Memorial Day really snuck up on me. We are fully recovered and are back to our regular farming selves. Keep you eyes out for next week. We are really behind on our summer plantings. We are working hard this week to try and catch up, but if we cannot, then we might have to skip farm shares next week. If we fall too far behind, then there won't be anything to harvest in July and August. Kaden and I are the primary laborers, and that's definitely one of the cons of owning a small business and being the main labor force behind that business too. 

What’s Fresh This Week?


-Salad & Shoots

-Green Tomatoes

-Slicing Tomatoes

-Sungold Tomatoes

-Whole Chickens



Limited Harvest

-Peaches (Farmer Louis is between peach varieties this week. We dropped the price and weight of peaches to $3.00 for 1 lb for this week, and we should be back to 2 lb servings next week.)

-Bell Peppers


-Patty Pan Squash