Farm Happenings at Current Farms
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Happenings Are Back!

Posted on June 17th, 2024 by Conrad Cable

I apologize for not posting farm happenings for the past few weeks. We are having wi-fi issues at the farm, and for several weeks I wasn't even been able to even open an email on the desktop. Problems might continue for a few more weeks until we switch over to our new internet service provider. 

 What's Fresh This Week?

-Sweet Treats (Final Week!)

-Shiro Plums (Yellow Plums)

-Thompson's WHITE Peaches 1 lb instead of 2 lb serving

-Sunflower Shoots/Microgreens

-Summer Squash (Yellow, Patty Pan, Zuccs)




Limited Harvest

-Salad & Shoots (Photo above is a new salad green we are trialing called "Koji")

-Upland Cress

-Bell Peppers


Featured Add-Ons/Swaps

-Quarts of Dill Pickles!

-3 Board Farm's Whole Chicken

-Fresh Pastured Eggs

-Red Irish Potatoes 


Farm Update

We started farming full time in June of 2020. Around August of that year, I was complaining about how hot it was to my barista friend. As he handed over the coffee, Mac shrugged his shoulders and said "man, it's the life you chose." Ever since then, I have tried my best to not complain and simultaneously change my apathetic "summer in Louisiana" attitude. Instead of thinking about this being my least favorite part of the year, I try to see every hour spent outside after 11:00 AM as a character building opportunity. 

This will be the only week for white peaches from Thompson's Peaches! I'm absolutely loving all of the fruit that is in season! It's so wild.  Kaden and I pick at an orchard in Oak Grove, and it's been the highlight of my week to see what's ready and harvest it each week. Next to a perfectly ripe persimmon, the sweet treat might be my favorite fruit. Those are really special and we are so excited for a great harvest and that we could share some with you. Below is a photo of Kaden harvesting all the ones we couldn't reach on a ladder. Have you tried the Shiro plums? They are one of the sweetest plums and ideal for jam making.


The summer has been pretty tough on our leafy greens. Next week, we will harvest ALL of the lettuce that is remaining in our fields. I have a large succession of summer lettuce transplants going in the ground this weekend. It might be a few weeks until the Salad & Shoots is back going. I eat a bag (or two) every week, because it's one of my favorite "crops" that we grow! So, I am working hard to get that back going as soon as possible. Until then, I will be substituting salad with microgreens and sunflower shoots. We added a red cabbage micro, and a new type of radish that have really been tasty additions to the mix. 

The summer has been kind to our summer squash! The first planting was flooded out in April and May, but we finally are harvesting more each week, and hopefully our squash harvests will only increase. The zuccs are a little slow to start fruiting, but we have a good amount of patty pans and yellow squash!

Thank you so much for supporting our farm! Did you know that this is our biggest farm share season ever!? From January until today, we have already surpassed our total gross earnings from 2023. We haven't increased our weekly weekly pay, but it has allowed us to make some big investments in the future of our farm. We have worked for five years using primarily hand tools (first generation farmer problems) and a two-wheeled walk-behind tractor. This increased revenue is going to help us secure a loan so that we can buy new equipment that will not only help us grow better produce, but also make our lives as farmers a little easier. I am so grateful for that opportunity. 

I hope you and your family eat some delicious food this week! 


Your Farmer,

Conrad Cable