Farm Happenings at Current Farms
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Happy Independence Day!

Posted on July 1st, 2024 by Conrad Cable

It's a special week and what better way to celebrate than with some of north Louisiana's finest watermelons from Joywalk Daylily Farm! We have had farm share members tell us these watermelons were their favorite produce of past Summer seasons! When Alex delivered them to the farm, he cracked one open for us to all share and they are so delicious! 

What's Fresh This Week?

-Walker's Wonderful Watermelons

-Baby Arugula

-Red Irish Potatoes

-Yellow Squash


-Sunflower Shoots

Farm Update

The hot and humid conditions have been tough on our patty pan and zucchini squash, so we will pick back up on those next week when our new succession starts fruiting. 

There's 7 weeks left in this farm share season! It's definitely been challenging, but I think the fields are looking great and we have even more fun, fresh, and locally grown food for you and your family! I'm disappointed that we have not been able to provide any fresh chanterelles so far this season. The rains just haven't been great the past few weeks for them to be plentiful. At this point, with about a month left in their season, the only thing that will save the harvest is a tropical storm. 

We are beginning a BIG irrigation project at the farm. Over the past two years, we have expanded and started growing on 6 new field blocks. Currently, there's a lot of above ground piping and water hose that we use to transport water to each field. But over the next few weeks, we will be digging over 1000 ft of underground lines for PVC. Each field block will have two manifolds with four connections each (for drip and overhead irrigation). We have needed this infrastructure improvement for a long time, and it's going to make our work a lot easier and more efficient! 


Farm Fact:::

It takes more than 20,000 gallons of water to irrigate one acre with two inches of water!!