Farm Happenings at Dickinson College Farm
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Farm Happenings for July 2, 2024

Posted on June 28th, 2024 by Alex Smith

Hello CSA Members,

Important! If you are receiving this email, that means your share will be delivered on Tuesday! Even if you are typically a Friday picker-upper! With the holiday we consolidated all deliveries to Tuesday next week so our staff can enjoy some family time. If you typically pick up at Project SHARE on Fridays, your pick-up spot for Tuesday is Kaufman Hall on Cherry Street. Everyone else picks up at the normal spots. Pick ups are 12-5:30 as normal.

You may notice some conspicuous absences from the offerings for the next few weeks. Our May plantings of head lettuce, spinach, and fennel were decimated by groundhogs. Groundhogs thrive in our area, especially with our varied terrain, wide fence rows, and open fields. Since starting at the College Farm last year, I have initiated a push to eliminate their habitat by clearing brush and filling in old holes. We also aggressively trap them. This has generally helped but didn't save some of our early summer veggies... We will miss out on some beets in a few weeks as well. In other news, we have groundhogs for sale - wild-caught, free-range and fed an all-Organic diet. They make great pets!

Picture:  Farmer Colin spent an entire 90F morning last week hacking away at old groundhog holes that we caved in, then filled with compost/topsoil. To think, some folks pay money for a crossfit gym membership...

Not pictured:  The fireflies. The fireflies are incredible here on the farm right now. Last week, we kept our three year old up late so he could see them for the first time. Suffice it to say we have had a hard time getting him in bed at a normal time since.

Have a great weekend!



Please note that not all produce in your share has been washed, including leafy greens. We recommend you wash all produce prior to eating.