Farm Happenings at Dickinson College Farm
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Farm Happenings for July 30, 2024

Posted on July 26th, 2024 by Alex Smith

Happy Friday all!

We are capping off a very productive week here on the farm with a little potato harvest. Our short season varieties have already hit their peak and died back. Typically we leave them in the ground for a few weeks as we tend to other mattes. But in my quest to keep our soils under living cover, I'm starting to dig them up and put them in the cooler so I can plant cover crop in that field. Speaking of cover crop...

Check out this crop of sorghum-sudan grass. This is a hybrid variety grown for its capacity to produce biomass. It is incredibly drought tolerant and loves the heat. I seeded this crop in mid-May. It got some rain in the first week and then a handful of showers since. No irrigation. There were stalks that were 9' tall! Kelsey mowed it down this morning to make way for the next crop. Growing good cover crops that feed and protect our soils is one of our most sacred practices. Healthy soils make healthy food.

Lastly, the first few tomatoes and peppers are rolling in. Since we only do two waves, we don't really like to gamble with early plantings and the frost. We will start picking both next week.

Have a great weekend!



Please note that not all produce in your share has been washed, including leafy greens. We recommend you wash all produce prior to eating.