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Farm Happenings at DragSmith Farms
Early Winter Season week 1 of 6
Welcome to our special 6 weeks of pre-winter farm share. You would think we would be able to wind things down here on the farm. Much to most peoples surprise the change of season only means a change in duties. Michelle continues her micro green work with the added twist of caring1 read more »
Farm Share Week 20, 2020
We hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! There are some advantages of being stuck on the home front. It is seriously doubtful that Halloween celebration imaginations would have been this hard at work under normal circumstances. Congrats to all who made it fun and event1 read more »
Farm Share Week 19 of 20
This is Steven enjoying the yearly October apple kipping with his Grandma Gail. This is the rest of the story.... There is an old apple tree in a neighbor's yard that produces many small red apples that make great applesauce. The tiny farmhouse that raised at least 7 children is long since go1 read more »
Farm Share Week 18
Hello everyone. This past week of harvesting was interesting to say the least. We were introduced to fall in it's full glory. Sunshine, wind, clouds, cool temperatures, frost, rain, sleet and finally snow. As you can see by the photo above, all the weather drama ended in a g1 read more »
Early Winter Season Farm Share
Harvesting Brussels Sprouts in the cold sunshine today. Last week we blew through over 200 pounds. Find it amazing that these little green orbs are so popular. They are delicious!!
Speaking of harvesting and the upcoming winter....we have decided to offer a 6 week Earl1 read more »
Farm Share Week 17
Saturday "turnipped" to be a fun day of harvesting. Started off with Gail whipping up apple-cinnamon pancakes for breakfast to assure there was plenty of fuel and energy. The contest of looking for the largest turnip began immediately. We had a tie between Jade and Paige. They eac1 read more »
Farm Share Week 15
Here's Jade, Paige, Kaylen and Michelle wiping the soil off each squash before boxing. Hard work paid off this week. The "Produce Squad" worked on Saturday as well, but, we have the entire harvest of winter squash in pallet bins or boxed. Whoop, whoop!! The steps are numerous to c1 read more »
Farm Share Week 15
Wow...it has been a busy week at DragSmith Farms. We started construction work inside the Red Shed. We plan to open a store in the Spring and put in a certified kitchen. Changes are farmer's survival mechanisms. Since restaurants are closing up, we are seeing a fun demand for dinn1 read more »
Farm Share Week 14
Here's Jade hauling another load of Brussels Sprouts out of the field. The "Produce Squad" hasn't minded the field harvest. Sitting in the Brussels Sprout plants pulling the orbs off in the warm sun seems like a privilege in these trying days of Covid. Also were harvesting late broccoli1 read more »