Wow! What can 2020 throw at us next? This week was filled with doomsday skies and air quality rivaling Bangkok or New Delhi. Ash dusted our fields and cut flowers. We watched confused Canada Geese honking South.. then North.. And we did last Thursday's CSA pack under work lights because it was so dark at 12:30 that we couldn't see what the heck we were doing.
Let's have some good news, shall we? There's plenty more sweet corn for all this week :) ...and we're having an amazing pepper and apple year. Want to can? We're offering 20lb cases of Dry Farm Early Girl Tomatoes. This week we will also start offering lots more apple varieties as extras in 2lb and 5lb bags. Here's what we have available right now:
Alkemene-Floral, lively, honeyed, mutation of Cox's Orange Pippin from Germany. Sooo sweet, but nice tartness as well.
Arlet- Golden delicious & Idared cross. Intense complex flavor, sweet, spicy undertone. Aromatic, good for cooking
Chehalis- Hailing from Washington state, lovely green-yellow skinned apple. Crisp, sweet, juicy. Great fresh eating apple
Fiesta-Sometimes marketed as a "Red Pippin", this apple is often described as nutty and aromatic. Great dessert apple, good for juice and hard cider. Can often have a slight russeting (rough skin like a russet potato). Yellow skin with orange to red striping. Good keeper
Molly's Delicious- red delicious parentage, sweet over tart, juicy & crisp. fabulous for eating out of hand.