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Farm Happenings at Fifth Crow Farm
Farm News
The dry bean field is looking beautiful this year (pictured above). Hopefully it'll be a good crop, as last year we had a crop failure on a couple varieties and the last 2 years have been a bit dicey with the drought. We had to cut off the water and cross our fingers at a certain point1 read more »
Farm News- Pick Up As Early As You Can!
It's hot out there everyone! I keep checking up on product quality and have to give props to our crew who put great effort into sorting and washing and packing everything so it looks it's best. That said, if your lovely, extremely fresh produce sits out in 80 plus degree heat for 5 of m1 read more »
Farm News
Happy 4th of July! We are so so lucky to have an amazing farming partner (John Vars) and a strong staff of Managers who held down the fort while we spend last week visiting family on the East Coast. It was pretty exciting for the kids as they've never seen fireworks before. After1 read more »
Happy 4th of July!
No newsletter today, as I'm writing this while visiting family on the East Coast. (But I just got word from our Pack Out Manager, Felimon, that he tried the first few ripe cherry tomatoes yesterday!) read more »