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Farm Happenings at Fifth Crow Farm
Farm News July 31, 2021
Howdy all! The farm is bursting with bounty right now. We're seeing the first dry farm tomatoes turning pink and even picked a few cherry tomatoes. The melons are sizing up, and the first variety of apples was ripe enough that Monday's wind knocked a bunch to the ground, so we'll1 read more »
Meet our new CSA Manager
Pictured above: Dilly Beans! We gotten a few questions from you all about what the heck Dilly Beans are. Pickled green beans. They're crunchy, they're pickle-y.. They're super delicious. Most of our canned goods (these included) are made for us out of our product by Happy Girl Kit1 read more »
Farm News for July 15, 2021
Fun happenings on the farm:
Our neighbors Tomkat Ranch have brought their cows over to graze the pasture. It's been fun to not only watch them happily reducing the work we'll have to do mowing once they're gone, but to know that all that grass isn't going to waste. A bit over a year ago1 read more »
Farm News for July 8, 2021
Above- Charlie helps Dad in the shop.
Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July. We've just hired a new CSA Manager! Her name is Barbara Amezcua and we're super excited to have her join the team. I'll introduce her via the newsletternext week. She has heaps of customer service experien1 read more »