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Farm Happenings at Fifth Crow Farm
Farm Update for April 2nd
Howdy- Hope we didn't make too many mistakes on your first boxes last week ;) Please do let us know if something was missing. We are all learning this new system and as hard as we try mistakes are bound to happen. First strawberries!! Woohoo!! not many and mostly not complet1 read more »
Weekend Pick up Orders
Hello Farmstand Members,
We are trying to get our ducks in a row to respond to both customers and market associations (and increase the safety of our employees at Farmers' Markets under the "Shelter In Place" order. This weekend we are canceling our attendance at all markets except Clement St. and1 read more »
Update from your farmers
Welcome to your first weekly box for our "Pre-Season Delivery". While it seems COVID19 has pushed the pause button on regular life, the plants and farm keep on keepin' on. We are so sorry so many people who wanted to sign up for this delivery service were unable to. And super grateful a1 read more »