Farm Happenings at Fifth Crow Farm
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Farm Happenings at Fifth Crow Farm

Farm New for this week

Posted on September 28th, 2020
We're bringing in a lot of the winter squash this week!  Making delicata available this week (just cooked some and it's delicious!)  That said all the winter squash will continue to sweeten over the coming weeks, so don't feel any guilt in enjoying their beauty as a festive Fall table dec1 read more »

Thank You For Donating

Posted on September 24th, 2020
It's been a few weeks since the CZU Fire Complex and we're lucky to say that things are beginning to return to normal. With the fire being just a few short miles away, we feel incredibly grateful to have a farm to return to. Our hearts go out to our neighbors who have lost much and are amazed by th1 read more »

Farm News for September 26th & 27th

Posted on September 24th, 2020
We're in the final 10 countdown for this CSA season!  Only 9 weeks left... Don't worry we'll let you know as soon as we set up registration for next season. A couple notes about products this week: Seckel Pears (pictured above)- We have a number of Seckel pear trees and the fruit is incredibly1 read more »

Farm Happenings for September 24, 2020

Posted on September 21st, 2020
We're in the final 10 countdown for this CSA season!  Only 9 weeks left... Don't worry we'll let you know as soon as we set up registration for next season.  A couple notes about products this week: Seckel Pears (pictured above)- We have a number of Seckel pear trees and the fruit is incr1 read more »

Farm News for September 17, 2020

Posted on September 17th, 2020
FLOWER SHARE HOLDERS- SHARES THIS WEEK WILL BE 3 BUNCHES OF Flowers instead of bouquets Wow!  What can 2020 throw at us next?  This week was filled with doomsday skies and air quality rivaling Bangkok or New Delhi.  Ash dusted our fields and cut flowers.  We watched confused Ca1 read more »

Farm News for September 17, 2020

Posted on September 13th, 2020
FLOWER SHARE HOLDERS- SHARES THIS WEEK WILL BE 3 BUNCHES OF DAHLIAS Wow!  What can 2020 throw at us next?  This week was filled with doomsday skies and air quality rivaling Bangkok or New Delhi.  Ash dusted our fields and cut flowers.  We watched confused Canada Geese honking S1 read more »

Farm News for September 10, 2020

Posted on September 7th, 2020
Hello heat wave!! The dry beans have decided this is it and they are drying up fast- this week is bean harvest week.. Pictured: Charlie looks at some Rio Zape beans (a new trial this year from a UC Davis breeder who is working on improving heirlooms).  First step in bean harvest is we have to1 read more »

Farm News September 5th

Posted on September 3rd, 2020
No time to write a whole new newsletter.. so sorry for any redundancy with last week.   Your weekend CSA boxes are coming!  We still have special permission to get to the farm to tend crops and animals even though Cloverdale Rd is still in the evacuated zone.   While t1 read more »