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Farm Happenings at Fifth Crow Farm
Just 2 more weeks of Flower Shares, and only 7 more weeks of boxes!!
Above: Finnley (she/her preferred) is one of 3 feral kittens we've been trying to trap on farm- her Mama and 2 siblings are still out and about. She is settling in nicely over at our packout and we're hoping she'll stick around and join the rodent control team.
Just 2 more weeks o1 read more »
Farm News for September 17, 2022
Above: Your Fall parsnips look very happy indeed... We'll start harvesting them to properly chill them soon. (Parsnips don't get sweet without a couple weeks of cold weather. Our climate is so warm that we have to pull and store them at near freezing in the cooler to fake some chilly fr1 read more »
And then there was a heat wave..
Pictured above: Norman, our neighborhood Great Blue Heron, hunting gophers among the Little Gems
Farm News:
We know we're lucky here on the Coast and that our temps have been way cooler than those of you inland... but we're really not used to it. Plants, livestock, and people alike were1 read more »