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Farm Happenings at Fifth Crow Farm
Registration for 2024 Produce Shares will be coming soon!
Hi Everyone- we still have some lovely Winter offerings if you'd like to place orders for pick up at our Farmers' Markets this coming Weekend or On Farm Sunday. Also a little heads up that we are in the process of migrating our Subscription service (CSA) as well as these pick up orders (Farms1 read more »
Happy New Year!
Enjoying some rain.. but it's been such a mild Winter thus far that we have a surprisingly large amount of stuff to offer. This weekend we'll be back at the San Mateo, Clement, Palo Alto, and Sunset markets. NO FERRY PLAZA DUE TO STAFFING SHORTAGES. Want to reserve your veggies so1 read more »
Last chance to snag some giftables and stock up before the Holidays!
We will be shutting down the farm from Saturday the 24th- January 1st (no markets or Farmstand orders). This will be the last opportunity prior to the Holidays to pick up giftable and stock up on local yummy stuff!
You can still order Custom Wreaths for pick up or shipping, Heirloom Bean coll1 read more »
Holiday Gifts and Weekend Produce Orders!
We are now accepting orders for Custom Holiday wreaths, fresh Evergreen/Holly wreaths, and Heirloom Bean Collections!
(wreaths may take up to a full week before they are ready to pick up or ship, so order soon)
We will be offering local on farm pick up this Sunday, too. Orders will be inside1 read more »
Start getting your Holiday shopping done!
Hi Everyone,
Our Produce Subscription season has ended, but we still have produce, dried floral wreaths, canned goods, and more available. We won't be running a Thursday delivery route, but you can still order for pick up at our Farmers' Markets. Due to staffing shortages WE WILL1 read more »
Pictured Above (Photo by India Boostani): A Pacific Tree Frog does its part to eat pests in our brussel sprouts. Frog populations are declining globally at alarming rates. While the clearing of native vegetation for development and agriculture are cited as one of several culprits along with chemica1 read more »
2nd to last week! CSA deliveries end the week before Thanksgiving
Thank you so much to those of you who made the trip out to the farm last weekend for our Farm Field Day. Farms like ours wouldn't exist without folks like you who go to the extra effort to keeo so many of your food dollars local. It was lovely to match faces to names and share a bit of1 read more »
Only 3 weeks left folks!
Pictured Left (Thanks India for the great photo): Hello friend! We are blessed to have sooo many frogs on the farm. Considering that worldwide frogs populations are in major decline this is something to celebrate indeed.
Farm Updates- Don't forget your mesh bags this week!
Pictured above: When the baby chick you are nursing back to health is lonely and won't stop peeping...
*ONLY 5 WEEKS LEFT and our 2023 CSA comes to a close!
*Please return the reusable mesh bags as soon as possible everyone! If you have been seeing more disposable packaging this is because we1 read more »