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Farm Happenings at Fifth Crow Farm
Farm News September 2, 2023
Pictured Above- UCSC Center for Agroecology's own Orin Martin holds forth in our orchard on the key elements in planning your own orchard. It was a pleasure and privilege to get to spend time with him as he has been one of our treasured mentors for many years. The workshop was filmed and will1 read more »
Farm News
Product Updates: The foggy mornings and hot dry afternoons have created a perfect storm for an explosion of powdery. As a result we've had to pull baby kale (especially the dino kale), the spring mix, and baby arugula, from our availability list. Spinach luckily isn't susceptible1 read more »
Farm News
Welcome TomKat goats!! :) I have to say that it has added a whole other level of pleasure to our days to be able to pause and look up at the hill above our home ranch and see goats and their LGD Reba at work. It's taken a few months for work out all the potential issues of having goats1 read more »
Farm News August 19
Pictured Above: Shadow and the lovely ladies from Pescadero Veterinary Clinic. We are soooooo blessed to have an amazing Vet right here in Pescadero to come out and check on all the farm critters. Shadow and Teddy our livestock guardian dogs got their check up as did Banks and Nellie, t1 read more »
Farm News
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”
-John Muir
Just returned from "takin1 read more »
Farm News
HI Everyone
We've had to pull all the bunching greens except chard off the availability list. Sadly, the flea beetles have munched them to the point that we don't feel comfortable offering them to you. No baby arugula this week due to powdery mildew. This round of cabbages is over so no1 read more »