Farm Happenings at Fifth Crow Farm
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Farm News for November 5, 2020

Posted on November 2nd, 2020 by Teresa Kurtak

Well we've now had 3 frosts. The summer squash is toast, the green beans are gone, the few remnants of basil are brown and withered. Sad.. and yet we rejoice in the shorter days and imminent crop planning for next season. Got my stack of seed catalogues all set for that first rainy day ;)  While summer crops are pretty much all gone, a few things we haven't had for a long time are back in season.  We have kohlrabi and cabbage this week, and next week we'll start offering brussel sprouts and parsnips.  Yum!

Pictured above: Another fun little tussle with nature... Look who we caught in the coop with the baby chicks!  A Cooper's Hawk.  Yes it killed a few chicks :( and then on it's way out it somehow injured it's leg.  It's currently hanging out in a cat carrier waiting to go to Native Animal Rescue in Santa Cruz tomorrow.  So beautiful, but I have to say I really hope it stays farther South.  At least till our chicks are big enough that they aren't feasible targets.