Farm Happenings at Fifth Crow Farm
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Farm News for April 24, 2021

Posted on April 19th, 2021 by Teresa Kurtak

The orchards are in full bloom and now begins the growth of the apples and pears you will eat this Fall. Cross your fingers for one last Spring rain... if you hadn't heard, it's looking like way below average rainfall and all us farmers are bracing ourselves for a dry season and the potential we may have to abandon late summer crops.  We hiked up to the ridge and took a peak at the reservoirs that feed Bean Hollow.  It was a bit alarming to see the rings, like an empty bathtub, and the water lower than it was last summer on the second reservoir.  The reservoirs don't feed our fields, but they are a good indicator of the overall watershed.  Our water comes from Butano Creek and it's tributaries.  We have access to a well for one location, but that well wouldn't be able to water everything at that site and there are no wells at the home ranch or our other fields.  What are we doing to prepare?  Well, we're going to try to grow what we can while we can and get everything that's a one time per season crop in as early as possible to take advantage of the water that is flowing past us now.  Cross your fingers ;)  Mother Nature still holds the upper hand here.