(pop quiz... What future fruit is pictured above? *answer below)
Hello everyone- our CSA begins next week.. and product is pretty limited right now, so we're saving it to make sure we can fill those 600+ boxes. This week we're offering flowers (dried and fresh) for Mother's Day, and next week we won't be opening up our online "Farmstand" at all. Likely it'll be awhile before we'll have enough product to open up the Farmstand (just trying to give you fair warning).
There's heaps on the horizon that should be ready within the next few weeks, but next week and the one following will likely be pretty tight. If you are a CSA member, what should you expect?
The next few weeks:
Kale, chard, collards, broccoli, artichokes, tokyo turnips, baby spinach, baby kale, arugula, lettuces, leeks, radishes, kohlrabi, strawberries, jams, dilly beans, applesauce, sauerkraut, dry beans
Within 4-5 weeks:
all of the above plus... cauliflower, cabbage, fennel, radicchio, parsley, cilantro, dill, beets, carrots, summer squash.. and more
*apples are in full bloom right now being pollinated by happy "City Bees" hives