Farm Happenings at Fifth Crow Farm
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Farm News for May 29, 2021

Posted on May 26th, 2021 by Barbara Amezcua

Well, we're rolling on sans CSA Manager as Sammie has now moved on... If anyone knows the perfect person out there, do tell them to reach out ;) In the meantime we're doing our personal best to keep up with all your questions and requests. 

The first itty bitty baby summer squash have set, so hopefully in a few weeks we can start to offer some for your summer grilling pleasure. Carrots are about pencil thick and growing fast... The next round of broccoli will hopefully be on for next week along with lots of white cauliflower...and the Barn swallows have successfully built a nest right over our farm washer dryer, so now with little eggs in there we're stuck with them till the babies fledge ;/ But they do eat lots of bugs and they're just so darn cute! I'll try to get you pictures for next week.

Veggie Spotlight- Kohlrabi

Any excuse to pull out this photo of my son Charlie, from a few years back... Kohlrabi is in the same family (Brassicaceae) as broccoli and cabbage and cauliflower. It's basically a giant broccoli stem. It can be eaten raw and sliced up like carrots sticks or jicama, or cooked in a variety of ways. For those who need to watch the glycemic index of food, it can substitute for potatoes. You can boil or steam it and puree it with butter and cream. Cut it up in cubes and roast it along with other veggies. Grate it in coleslaw. Make Kohlrabi Home Fries..It's endlessly flexible. It comes to us from Eastern Europe and is quite common there. One important note- the skin is quite tough, you'll need to peel it.