Farm Happenings at Fifth Crow Farm
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Farm News 5/20

Posted on May 20th, 2023 by Teresa Kurtak

pictured above: Ellie & Lettuce.. an old photo I keep reusing cuz it's just so great.

Hello Members: A quick reminder to make sure you only take the box with your name.  If you can't find your box, please call me (Teresa) at 831-600-5452 versus grabbing someone else's.  It causes a domino affect of mix up that is a mess to fix.  Also, check your orders to make sure nothing is missing before you leave.  Frequently when items are missing it is because your order didn't fit in one box and we had to pack it in two, but perhaps they got separated.  the label might say 1 of 2 or 3 or have a right hand arrow which indicates a flow over label.

It's a Root Down Farm Week- that means if you'd like some of their pasture raised chickens or pork, scroll aaaaaall the way to the bottom when you customize your box to look at the Extras. That's also where you will find Companion Bread should you choose to buy that as an extra.  Farmer Dede and her wife Melissa are our neighbors and we can not only to attest to the happiest of lives for their pastured critters, but to the excellence of the product as we are loyal customers ourselves. :)  PS They have another Little One that isn't pictured, but I haven't managed to get an updated family photo.

Update from the Fields:

The first round of potatoes are now a good hand high.  Most, but not all the winter squash were sown last week.  The peppers are happily growing in their new in field hoops.  We're still playing catch up from the rains, but it's finally starting to feel a bit more normal for May around here (which is always crazy as we rush to get in all those crops that only get sown once per year along with the ones that have to wait till the last frost is past before going in the ground.  May Madness.  

Strawberries are picking up steam- we're offering twice as many this week as last week, but still only about 140 baskets to go around.  Soon, though, we'll be pushing whole flats on you and trying to convince you to make jam and freeze them for Winter.  More sugar snap peas this week! And next week our first round of fennel and kohlrabi should be ready to start harvesting.  Sorry about the not so great carrots.. they're the last of our Winter carrots and the first round sown this Spring .  We're eating em, but as the quality is not up to parr so we're only offering them optionally and at a discount.  They've definitely lost some sweetness after a few weeks of cold storage.

Refer A Friend: 

We still have about 50 spots available to fill.  If you know someone who might be interested in joining you can both reap the rewards.  Refer a Friend and if they sign up both of you get a $25 credit.

Refer a Friend Instructions Here

Start a Referral here