Good morning, and Happy New Year!
I think we are ready for the Produce New Year! Even though I Read two new books, took an afternoon nap each day, I managed to work a little part time during our week and a half vacation!
The Spring Beets and Carrots Have germinated, and the Spring Onions that were transplanted last October, are coming along, although they won't bulb up until mid April or early May. Tomorrow we'll be planting flats of cool weather crops for germination and early development in time to enjoy enough daylight time to grow and mature on their own. We will be planting new additions every week.
Today we are at 9 hours and 7 minutes of daylight, far from the 10 full hours that the crops need for meaningful growth. Approximately February 5, we'll achieve that 10 hour mark, and that is only 5 weeks away!
Many thanks to our Harvie CSA Members who participated in our Auto-Renew program; that really helps me with harvest forecasting and planning. I have some beautiful Produce to offer this week and weeks to come. Note how the greens have developed their cold weather sugars to taste bud delight! We also have a few CSA openings left for our Winter/ Spring Membership that runs through April 23.
Thank you,

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