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Farm Happenings at Hillcrest Farms
Farm Happenings for June 2, 2021
This morning I witnessed the latest hard frost that I can remember. Careful planning and a little luck got us through the last 3 nights and dangerous temperatures, never mind a little deer damage!
Tomorrow is Memorial Day, a day to honor the men and women that paid the ultimate1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 29, 2021
Everyone is still looking for meaningful rainfall, and seldom do we get a drought in May around here! When we built the first high tunnels. the decision for water was drip irrigation, We became pretty good at installation and maintenance. Even as some trends are back to overhead sprin1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 26, 2021
Everyone is still looking for meaningful rainfall, and seldom do we get a drought in May around here! When we built the first high tunnels. the decision for water was drip irrigation, We became pretty good at installation and maintenance. Even as some trends are back to overhead sprin1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 22, 2021
The scary overnight frosts and cold temperatures have passed and we are back in business. Asparagus is growing!
Because of the unseasonable temps, I haven/t seen any bees outside yet: important for Strawberries! We continued to transplant Tomatoes, Peppers, and Cucumbers in t1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 20, 2021
The scary overnight frosts and cold temperatures have passed and we are back in business. Asparagus is growing!
Because of the unseasonable temps, I haven/t seen any bees outside yet: important for Strawberries! We continued to transplant Tomatoes, Peppers, and Cucumbers in t1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 15, 2021
In my former life, I grew and propagated perennials as a recreation and stress reliever for an audacious lifestyle. In the process, I learned some of the principles of growing in protective culture, and low tunnels, about four feet high.
After we started Hillcrest Fa1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 12, 2021
In my former life, I grew and propagated perennials as a recreation and stress reliever for an audacious lifestyle. In the process, I learned some of the principles of growing in protective culture, and low tunnels, about four feet high.
After we started Hillcrest Fa1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 8, 2021
Tomorrow we are leaving Dallas as we head back home and prepare for the outdoor Farmers Markets and open field cropping and harvests. My thanks to Lauren and Jan for taking care of the farm business in our absence.The visit to see our twin 2 year old twin grandchildren is worth the effo1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 5, 2021
Tomorrow we are leaving Dallas as we head back home and prepare for the outdoor Farmers Markets and open field cropping and harvests. My thanks to Lauren and Jan for taking care of the farm business in our absence.The visit to see our twin 2 year old twin grandchildren is worth the effort, but1 read more »