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Farm Happenings at Hillcrest Farms
Farm Happenings for April 28, 2021
Good Morning!
One more chilly overnight, and we will start transplanting the tender Summer crops in high tunnels! I'll be almost 2 weeks behind our scheduled planting date, but we managed to hold the young plants in the heated nursery through the latest cold snap. And it was c1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 24, 2021
Good Morning!
Saturday, April 24 is the last Winter/ Spring distribution for the Grand Ledge CSA. There is no distribution on May1, The last day for everyone else is Wednesday/ Thursday, April 28 & 29. Summers CSA distribution begins on Wednesday, May 5.
For those1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 21, 2021
Good Morning!
Saturday, April 24 is the last Winter/ Spring distribution for the Grand Ledge CSA. There is no distribution on May1, The last day for everyone else is Wednesday/ Thursday, April 28 & 29. Summers CSA distribution begins on Wednesday, May 5.
For1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 17, 2021
Transition Time! We are planting cool weather crops outside to make room in the nursery for the mid Summer Crops like Zucchini, Melons and the second generations of Tomatoes, Peppers, and Cucumbers. When the weather doesn't permit too much outdoor activity, we are preparing1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 14, 2021
Transition Time! We are planting cool weather crops outside to make room in the nursery for the mid Summer Crops like Zucchini, Melons and the second generations of Tomatoes, Peppers, and Cucumbers. When the weather doesn't permit too much outdoor activity, we are preparing the1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 10, 2021
The current CSA Winter/ Spring session ends with the Saturday distribution on April 24 and the Summer session begins the week of May 2. Auto renew begins on Monday, April 12.
I want to carefully heat one of the large high tunnels in order to increase winter1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 7, 2021
The current CSA Winter/ Spring session ends with the Saturday distribution on April 24 and the Summer session begins the week of May 2. Auto renew begins on Monday, April 12.
I want to carefully heat one of the large high tunnels in order to increase winter prod1 read more »