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Farm Happenings at Hillcrest Farms
Farm Happenings for June 3, 2020
As we approach the month of June, and the transplanting is almost finished, we have just 4-5 weeks to tweak our summer harvest operation. We'll have plenty of time to look back and reflect in November, but we start planting for Fall and Winter in mid July!
I am getting pretty spoiled wi1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 27, 2020
From crop freezing weather to Summer, oh my! During these trying times, we lost our early crop of Strawberries, but we are looking to pick Sun Gold cherry tomatoes in about 3 weeks, and tomorrow I will pick and eat the first Cucumber. That's over 2 weeks ahead of l1 read more »
Farm Happenings for the week of May 17, 2020
We will be working indoors Monday and Tuesday because of all the rain. That means all of our indoor transplanting will be complete, except for Ginger and Turmeric!
In addition to Lauren and Riley back from college, we have two Springport High School seniors graduating this year an1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 13,
Just 3 more mornings of possible freeze/ frost! I will admit that our losses were modest because we had ample notice and the wind slowed temporarily, so we could cover the most vulnerable out door crops. Once we accomplished that, everything in the hoops were covered with spun1 read more »
Fresh Produce for this week of May3, 2020
Good Morning!
Our Summer CSA and Season online farm stand kicks off this weekend! While demand will increase significantly, and I am reasonably prepared, I see several morning below freezing next weekend. What to do?!
We uncovered the overwintered organic Strawberries last we1 read more »