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Farm Happenings at Hillcrest Farms
Farm Happenings for July 1, 2020
I have been married so long that I forget how great our relationship fits into my life. And then Gayleen leaves for Texas,for a week, and suddenly I remember! The little things like that morning cup of coffee on the porch at sunrise, and there's no one sitting in her chair. Or nobody to1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 24, 2020
The calendar is finally catching up to "Horticulture Summer", and it is summer here at Hillcrest Farms! The employee work schedule shifts from afternoons to early mornings, the Snow Peas are in blossom, I picked the first Zucchini today, and we had a few Sun Gold Cherry Tomatoes at the market last1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 17, 2020
Despite the wild swings in weather conditions and delays caused by the pandemic, we are almost ready for Summer. I finally received the Sweet Potato slips and they are in the ground, the Winter Squash is transplanted, and Brussels Sprouts go in this week, and the Ginger goes1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 10, 2020
Summer officially begins in two weeks, but horticulture Summer is already here! The Sun Gold Tomatoes will ripen in two weeks, Snow Peas will blossom soon, and we will soon average a dozen Cucumbers per day. I will ship 125 Bok Choi tomorrow, and 125 heads of Romaine Lettuce in abou1 read more »