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Farm Happenings at Hillcrest Farms
Farm Happenings for July 3, 2021
Good Morning!
Three and a half inches of rain and still counting! Some of our second generation of Tomatoes and Peppers will be transplanted outside, but the main crops are all under cover, protected from excess rain and disease. Later today they will receive just the right amount o1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 30, 2021
Three and a half inches of rain and still counting! Some of our second generation of Tomatoes and Peppers will be transplanted outside, but the main crops are all under cover, protected from excess rain and disease. Later today they will receive just the right amount of water and nutritio1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 26, 2021
Tomorrow is the Summer Solstice and the longest daylight day of the year. Onions cue bulb development by daylength, tomatoes are making longer vines for more production, and we are taking advantage with the second planting of certain crops like Roma Tomatoes and Cucumbers. In1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 23, 2021
Tomorrow is the Summer Solstice and the longest daylight day of the year. Onions cue bulb development by daylength, tomatoes are making longer vines for more production, and we are taking advantage with the second planting of certain crops like Roma Tomatoes and Cucumbers. In1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 19, 2021
We have had over 15 hours of daylight for over a week, and with all this sun and heat the tomatoes should begin to blush soon. My wife says the public consumer is not ready for tomatoes until after July 4, but I had some red Cherry Tomatoes on my salad today, and1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 16, 2021
We have had over 15 hours of daylight for over a week, and with all this sun and heat the tomatoes should begin to blush soon. My wife says the public consumer is not ready for tomatoes until after July 4, but I had some red Cherry Tomatoes on my salad today, and I w1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 12, 2021
Summer officially begins in about two weeks, but the 80 degree temperatures tell me what to do right now! The heat loving crops that we grow outside are going into the ground this week. We start everything from seed and we have been holding the melons and sum1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 9, 2021
Summer officially begins in about two weeks, but the 80 degree temperatures tell me what to do right now! The heat loving crops that we grow outside are going into the ground this week. We start everything from seed and we have been holding the melons and summer squash in the nursery for t1 read more »